Our mission: Empowering People + Saving Lives
Not Me!™ provides assault prevention and safety classes for all ages: Pre-K through college-aged to professional adults. Our unique, life-changing training program conveys more than instruction, it delivers a new level of impactful personal safety awareness, designed to empower people with prevention savvy.
Together we can Prevent Pain + Save Lives! Each of our course offerings have empowering core messages designed to teach you and yours how to recognize potentially threatening situations and be safer.

Our teen program focuses on the best ways to recognize and avoid danger, as well as escape tactics - if necessary. We reinforce how important it is to know how to tell and whom to tell, even when it is difficult. The program discusses Internet safety and peer pressure relating to drugs and alcohol.

About one in seven children face abuse or sexual assault. The resulting personal pain and cost to society are immeasurable. As a means of prevention, we offer thoughtful, interactive and fun classes to teach kids to recognize stop and prevent recurrence of assaults. Prevention + Empowerment = Safer Kids!